Ahhhhhh the sweet scent of summer (and by that I mean the smell of bathing suits that have been in the lake!) HA HA HA H AHA HA
My sister in law is watching the kids for the next 2 weeks, which is great, I might be able to catch up on some bills. That would be even greater! The kids started swim lessons yesterday and apparently... they LOVED THEM! They all have the pink of a day in the sun, and they all went directly to bed at 8:00, even the little one that had a 2 hour nap in the middle of the day.
Ah Yes... this is going to be an excellent summer. The kids couldn't get enough of the lake in Maine... and now they get to go every day (well, every day that doesn't rain)
I dont' know if I mentioned that while I was gone there were 2 fence incidents... Well, one fence incident while I was gone, and one gate-was-left-open incident when I returned. Both times Rosie returned without mishap... the "gate-was-left-open" incident was a bit of a while chase.
I left Rosie out into the yard, and she went around the corner, I waited giving her sufficient time to pee and whatever... and called her. She didn't come. I walked to the front and there... was the fence.... open. I walked out to the cross street in time to see her little butt boogying down the road, sniffing and licking, sniffing and licking... (I think she was just sticking out her tongue to get the taste of freedom!) Anyway, she made it up to the lake and I was afraid she would get hit by a car... so 1/2 the family ran after her, (which was really after, because by the time the troops were mustered, she was long gone) and I hopped into the Silver Bullet (Ford Windstar Mini-Van)
I got up to the Lake... I saw her... I saw her see 2 other dogs walking on leases... I saw her see me see her see the dogs... she made a decision. it was the right one.... she turned around.
I pulled over and she jumped right into the car.
That evening, I did some research... and .... I purchased the Petsafe Dog Training Collar. OH DON'T GROAN AT ME! First of all... Rosie is very smart and a great dog, and she would be the perfect dog if I didn't have to worry about her not coming when I called. I don't mind her barking, I just don't want her getting hurt booking!
So.... I did some research and this collar allows you to train with a warning sound as well as a slight shock... Did you know there is another straining collar that trains by spraying something in the dogs face... I suppose if you wanted to train your dog AND piss them off at the same time that's a good way to go! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
Anyway, I am going to start using the collar on Thursday. I'm going to walk her in the morning that I am home and start there. Spend some time in the afternoon... when other dogs are walking by and get her to settle down... My dad used this method on his dogs and he said that using it consistently will bring results.
I had a dream last night.
I dreamed that I owned a Used Book Store called The Library (because all of the books on the shelves were old library books) and it was a coffee shop/internet cafe in a remote vacation area. I don't know exactly where my guess would be Maine or something, but there were a ton of people sitting around drinking coffee and either reading books in the comfy chairs or at the computers doing research or something.... and I was behind the counter blogging. ..... sigh.... the dream filled me with peace and serenity! HA HA HA HA HA HA
The only problem is that... if that dream took place in Maine, then that little snap show of serenity was only going to last abour 2 months... before the POUNDING COLD OVERCAST WEATHER DECENDS UPON THE STATE....
You see... I don't think an internet cafe will work in most places in New Jersey, because EVERYONE has internet, and most people commute so far to work, that they dont' have time to lounge around... and there isn't a HUGE tourist trade here... I might have to think outside the box... Virginia... Montana... Idaho.... what do you think? Any ideas... I have a good 20 years before retirement... I can start planning now! HA HA HA A HA HA HA HA
OK... gotta go!
Have a great day
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OMG -> The newest way to make money from home
9 years ago
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