Well, it's official.
My brother is the Mayor of Papscoe.
People walking by the house wave and say a cheery "hello!"... I wave back. If I happen to be close enough to the road and we actually strike up a conversation... 50 % of the people say they "spoke with my husband" (which always causes me pause for like a 1/2 second) then I correct them and inform them that he is my brother.
the other 50% have either already been informed by me that he is my brother or by him.
Last weekend my oldest had a lemonade stand.
The Mayor actually solicited customers by walking up to neighbors doing yard work... chatting and inviting them to spend a quarter on a glass of lemonade.
AND so.... without further adieu..... hence forth and hitherto... he will be referred to as.....THE MAYOR.
You know... it's not that I'm unfriendly... But I'm not the type to see a neighbor raking leaves and make a bee-line over to chat. I suppose that would be how the Mayor collected his wide variety of knowledge and know-how (sorry I had to say that ... ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha)
Anyway.... That's it for today.
Friday is the book sale
Sunday is the last in a series of children's birthday parties...
And the summer is almost over, I can't believe it!
OK... have a great day!
OMG -> The newest way to make money from home
9 years ago
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