I knew it was coming.
He called this morning.
The conversation went a little like this:
Him: Yeah, do you still have that spreadsheet of the payments?
Me: Yes
Him: You have to fax it over to me
Me: ok
Him: that c*** has served me with a court order
Me: Ok....
Him: It says I owe $5000.00 and that I am delinquent
Me: I told her you didn't owe that much
Him: Well, tell her I am paid up in full and I'll pay you directly
Me: OK, give me the $1000 you owe and I'll tell her you are paid in full
Him: You know I don't care, they will put me in jail and I'll get fired and everyone loses
Me: She said she sent you several letters asking you to provide her with the detail for the payments you sent and you have ignored them all.
Him: F*** her! She's a C***! I'm going to blow up and they will put me in jail. You know how I am, I'm going to lose it.
Me: I'll fax you my spreadsheet, call me when you are by a fax machine
Him: I don't F****'ing care if I get arrested, then I lose my job. If I lose my job then you don't get sh*t.
Me: Hey, thanks for calling .... click.....
State employees..... PLEASE GIVE ME STRENGTH
Oh wait... I forgot to put in the reference where he told me that "I should stop trying to communicate with the foreigners" That was when he was telling me to just tell them he is paid in full and he will "take care of it"
His last cursing spasm occurred when I finally said, "Fine, just give me the 1K and I'll tell them you're paid"
Listen Folks.
I've told him not once, not twice... but I've been telling every week since May, what he owes. He isn't ponying it up. THANK GOD, this is in probation... and GUESS WHAT... you know why he can't provide them with the details of his payments?
Does anyone remember?
Any one?
Because he throws everything out! He rips up his bank statements, he rips up his credit card statements, he rips up his insurance statements... he destroys everything including his cancelled checks. He rips EVERYTHING up into little tiny pieces and throws it all out.
Remember ... Remember when he had his own construction business... he did the same with EVERYTHING....
All this before I had finished my first pot of coffee (oh, did I say pot... I meant... cough cough... incredibly large cup)
So... last night M Colkins came over with her incredibly cute ward. They hung... we drank some wine... my head, oh my aching head..... Then..... Slag boy, so early in the morning using language that ... well frankly, can only be appropriate in the prison where he works.
Maybe he was practicing his inmate speak. You know, getting ready to get arrested.
Well... Today, we are going to costco. the kids LOVE the taste testers. it's a nice big place they can get some exercise and stay out of the sun. My daughter still has the rash... which after further research she may have for up to 3 weeks... and apparently the sun and lake water seem to irritate it. So, we will be spending another day in the shade...
Have a great day!
OMG -> The newest way to make money from home
9 years ago
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