Just kidding.
Well, friends, family and people I've never met but care about none the less....
I returned home from work today to a nice quiet house. All the kids were sleeping.
Not so surprising about the 4 year old...
not too surprising for the 5 year old...
pretty amazing for the 7 year old... especially since they didn't go to swim lessons.
It was a mystery.... but not for long
She woke up.... She came and found me and explained that she took a nap because her wrist hurt... and when I touched her wrist it was BURNING UP. I touched her forehead, and the poor child was a furnace. So.... I got out my thermometer (which I had thankfully purchased to replace the one I can't for the life of me find) and sure enough, her ear registered 102.8 (which if I know my ear thermometers, it might actually be higher)
She opted for the tylenol liquid. I gave her 3 tsp (she is after all over 100 pounds)
And it's now 30 minutes later.
I only got her down to 102 so far.
I'm not going to panic, it's only 6:00 pm.
I called the Doctor.
She claims she is breathing ok... but is only registering 75 on her peak/flow meter. She said she is too tired to take a deep breath.
... OK..... big break in writing this entry... so here's the update, It's now after 8:00pm
The Dr. returned my call, I gave her another 4 tsp of motrin. and now... 1 hour later I finally got her down to 99 degrees! YIPPPEEEEE
So.... now the next shocker........ I'm sitting down for a nice meal with my kids and over dinner
my 7 year old and 5 year old are giggling and telling me about the babysitters son and his friends. Who came over for a visit today.
... and they had a great time...
... and they all played outside...
...and they all went over to the playground a couple of blocks away...
and one of the 13 year old boys was asking...
are you sitting down
.... asking my 5 year old on a date and blowing her kisses....
OH yeah, so I'm trying not to freak out and pump them for information without letting them know that I was mad. Then I segued into a discussion about appropriate conversations, and language and touching. And as best as I can tell, (an my 7 year old is pretty reliable) the son of the sitter was fine, he was there with 2 of his friends and they were acting "silly"
let me tell you.
My kids act silly
They pretend to marry people
They pretend to be different people
They pretend all kinds of things
My babysitters boys are 13 years old -- Big difference
So, I called her.
First I called her to tell her I didn't think I would be going to work the following day because my daughter had 102.8 fever. AND, I said, "so and so mentioned that your son and his friends were over today" - she confirmed and asked if it was a problem - (she actually corrected me I said they were over, she said they stopped over)
I said, "That's not a problem except that (insert name) said that one of his friends was asking her out on a date and making a kissy face at her"
She said, "Yeah, they were just playing around"
So, without boring you with the whole conversation, I explained that I understand that it's playing around and if they were all even remotely around the same age maybe it wouldn't e a problem, I don't know... but it is a problem since only one of my kids is even in elementary school yet!
I said I don't think it's appropriate. She went on to tell me about some kindergarten kids that were hugging and "dating" blah balh balh...
I said look, the big problme is that your kids are 13 years old, and mine are all under 7. It's just not appropriate.
So, that's what I told her. She said she would "speak to him". Fine. I'm also going to speak to her. I don't mind if her son comes over, I do mind if he comes over with 2 of his friends... especially if one of them thinks it's funny to ask my 5 year old out on dates.
right? Am I wrong?
What do you think?
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9 years ago
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