I just can't take it....
And you know... I should have known....
For 2 YEARS you read about slag boy.... you marveled at his work ethic.... you wondered how New Jersey could survive if his mentality, work ethic and thought process were common among the state employed
Today.... I answer you
Just a quick little summary detail:
#1) got divorced
#2) moved out
#3) attempted to file to have money automatically taken from slaggy and send to me
#4) court wouldn't accept the request, needed consent order
#5) Took almost a year to get slaggy to sign consent order, in mean time I had to agree not to seek payment for the 2 weeks in june, I also had to over look that he wasn't going to contribute to child care
#6) order finally gets filed
#7) I get one payment
#8) he gets hurt on motorcycle and doesn't go to work for 3 weeks
#9) I get nothing for a month
#10) I call my "case worker" to find out #1) will I ever see that money, #2) how will I see it and when
(here's where it all goes down hill)
#11) Case worker can't handle the two questions and schedules a hearing
#12) I write her a letter, stating we don't need a hearing, I know what he owes, I need answers to the 2 questions on #10
#13) I get a letter, notifying me of a case hearing
#14) I write her another letter, thanking her for scheduling the hearing, notifying her that I can't attend and requesting that she cancel.
#15) She calls me today (I think it's because of the letter) .... NO..... it's because a Mr. Nelson called her and asked her to call me
This is the hysterical funny part... are you sitting down.
Mr. Nelson is ... Slag Boy (I don't need to change the name, because it's so far from being accurate no one would guess)
I say to her, Oh you mean. (blah blah)
she says, "Well it says here that a Mr. Nelson called, .... hhhmm... do you have a case number?"
I say: "sure . CS......."
She looks it up, "Oh, ok. we understand that he has made direct payments"
I say, "Yes, prior to the order being filed, he effectively brought himself up to date"
She says, "So, as of today he is up to date"
I say, "No, as of the date that the first remittance was deposited he is up to date, you have 2 letters from me, and 1 letter from my attorney"
She says, "I see a debit here for $3000.00, but that doesn't bring him up to date"
I said, "I don't know what to tell you, I can only tell you what was owed and what was paid"
She said, "I have sent him several letters and he isn't responding, this order goes back to June 2007.
I said, "Yes, but the original order was from June 2007, but wasn't filed until march 2008 and in between he made payments and eventually brought himself up to date by the time the order was filed in March 2008"
She said, "Well, I'll have to schedule a hearing"
I said, "What? you already scheduled a hearing that I can't make it to"
She said, "Oh yes, I see I have. Well someone will have to come. He'd better come since he's the one that owes the money"
She said, "if you talk to him let him know I need to speak to him."
Now.... friends.
Who is worse. Slagboy... or my caseworker.
I don't know where they got the $3000.00 debit. I have done EVERYTHING humanly possible besides actually going to her office and manually updating my account. I can't understand what else could POSSIBLY BE REQUIRED OF ME!
She doesn't give a crap about the three weeks payment that wasn't received from the employer, because she can't get past her own limitations.
So, I have supplied this woman with a full accounting, dates, amounts and running balance of the amount owed... in writing 2 times... on the phone 2 times... and still she insists on a "hearing"
So... here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to get to the bottom of this.
THIS MY FRIENDS... is my tax dollars at work... supposedly helping me!
Oh, I'm mad....
I'm about ready to write to the governor... oh yeah, he doesn't give a crap.
This calls for ....
This means....
I might have to .....
START A NEW BLOG.................... bwaaaaa haaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa
So.... Here's the latest Poll
Name the Scary State Employee Blog
OMG -> The newest way to make money from home
9 years ago
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