According to the CDC the rash from fifths resolves in 7 - 10 days. Hmmmmm let's see... was it just last week that we were recently home from Maine? Yup. Good thing I keep a blog, or the days would just meld together into a huge pool of timeless laundry... drifting drifting... ok I'm back
Anyway, let's see....
We got home from Maine on Sunday.
Kids started swim lessons Monday - small red bumps (I thought irratation from sand in water)
Tuesday - slight itchy of the red bumps
Wednesday - definitely a rash
Thursday - Dr. Appt confirmed ALL THREE have/had Fifths
So, technically speaking Monday was the start of Middle Child, By Thursday Youngest at least had something because the Dr. diagnosed her when he walked into the room and saw her face (which I just thought was sunburned) AND oldest had remnants of disease...
AGAIN, by the time the rash has appeared, the contagious part is over.
My Youngest never got a rash, however the Dr. swears her face had the red mask and it was more than just what I thought was sunburn. So.... that's that.
We are done, since it won't revisit us again! Hopefully!
BUT I gotta tell you, my middle child is suffering! this rash is ALL OVER her torso. AND new bumps come up every day! Poor kid.
OK. Gotta go get ready for work!
Have a great day
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9 years ago
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